This is a blog dedicated to information I have gathered and learnt surrounding the module "Understanding the Customer".

Monday, October 12, 2009



Wilkie 1994 "Perception is the process of sensing, selecting and interpreting consumer stimuli in the external world."

To paraphrase, perception is the way in which something is seen.

There are a few models based on the Perceptual Process, one being "The Black Box Model" as refered to by Kotler. The best way to direct you through this model is to think of it as you would a computer system, input, processing and output. Each stage effects the next.


The input is the stimuli aimed at the consumer, the process (in grey) is the decisions that the consumer makes based on the input and their own personal characteristics decision process, and then the output is the resulting response depending on variables such as the amount, frequency, brand choice etc.

The above image is the NLP Communication Model also based on buyer behaviour. This model is best described as a filtration system, where external events and stimuli are taken in through the 5 senses, of these stimuli we filter out the 1,000's that are not important at that moment in time (such as background noise of traffic). Then based on our own state, physiology, memories etc we create our own internal representation which then causes us to react to these stimuli in a certain behaviour.

Selling Paint!!

This was an activity where in groups we had a target audience to sell paint to (Under 8's, Young Socialising Graduates and Wealthy Retired People.) Each group had the same colours but using sensory stimuli we would have to name each colour.

For Example a light green colour being sold to the under 8's was called "Bogey Green", the same green was named "Mojito" for the graduates and then for the retired consumers it was entitled "Cottage Jade".

The way in which this colour green was named was based on the best way to stimulate the consumer, and this would vary from consumer type to consumer type. We also had to name our paint brand accordingly to the same group we were marketing.

For under 8's - Pix and Mix - children relating to the sweet selection activity.

Graduates - Mixology - 20+ relating to the socialising lifestyle containing alcohol, bars etc.
Retired - (unnamed) - based on the idea that older consumers don't fall for brand names rather that quality.

Examples of Advertisers Using the 5 Senses:

In this Ad by The Guardian it's the lack of music and colour that activates stimuli for consumers to take notice.


In this M&S print advert the close up on the fresh food stimulates the taste sensory, triggering memories and notions of such food.


This is a print Pantene Pro V Shampoo advert that relays on stimulating the consumers sense of touch, the hair is being shown to be so soft that it can be worn as you would a scarf.

1 comment:

  1. Great one. Love the M&S ad - makes you feel instantly hungry. Particularly liked your write up of the Paint activity. You have clearly mastered the technology now. Try to include a reflection on extra reading e.g useful journal articles



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