This is a blog dedicated to information I have gathered and learnt surrounding the module "Understanding the Customer".

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Buyers Decision - Kotler

The 5 stages:

Need Recognition - " I fancy a Drink"
Information search - "Wheres the nearest place I can get one?"
Evaluation of Alternatives - "orange, apple, cola, lemonade..."
Purchase Decision - "I dont like fruit and I prefer cola so i'll get that"
Post Purchase Behaviour - "good choice :)"

This is a very logical model but being fast paced consumers some steps are completely missed out and a lot of the reasonings are instant unconsious ones. This works best when it is a first time purchase and it is not out of habbit and on low involvement purchases.

buying a house -> HIGH involvement ( a lot of thought and consideration and time spent)
buying a drink -> LOW involvement. (almost unthought about and rutine decisions)

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