This is a blog dedicated to information I have gathered and learnt surrounding the module "Understanding the Customer".

Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Things First...

Welcome to my first post on the blog which has been created to continually document information and research based on the modual within my degree called “Understanding the Customer”.

The first Lecture was based on consumer psychology which was very interesting as it was all based on the very human exercise of judging and analysing things/people at a first glance, (apparently we make a full jusgement on a persons personality and ideologies within the first 12 seconds of seeing them!) In the marketing world it is vital to understand and know your consumer before you do anything else. Todays lecture was to get us into the habbit of analysisng and explaining why we have made this snap decisions.

Activity 1: “The Books”
This activity was simply two book covers with teh authors name and the title removed to give no indication of what the story is about. All we had to do was literally judge a book by its cover. The two covers were very different one being bold red and the other a monochrome. We made two different judgments on the books, aiming them at different people, we decided on slightly different storylines and protagoists. The catch was that the two books were exactly the same but with a different cover. This proved that although the product is exactly the same, you have to market it in different ways to reach different people.

Activity 2: “Egg”
For this activity everyone had to draw a shape to fill the page and then answer questions put to them within the shape anyway they wished. For example if the question was “what is your worst fear?” one person would neatly write spiders, whilst someone else would draw a huge scarey lookin spider to portray their fear. Once all the questions had finished everyone swapped round and without knowing the name of the person would make similar judgements on their persona by analysing their “egg.” To work with the previous example; the person who wrote “spiders” small and neat could have been jusged to be shy, organised and an introvert, whereas the person who drew the spider could be judged as an extrovert, creative and a loud person.

I found both of these exercises really helpfull and interesting in understanding how and why we make these quick decissions on things and people. As we are all different and have slightly different ideologies and experiences, our criticisms are all slightly different and this is incredibly important for marketers to understand. Humans are unique and unpredictable, each must be approached and judged in a slightly different way.

1 comment:


Thanks for having a look through! Hopefully it's been interesting and useful for you. If you have any queeries or suggestions please feel free to comment or event email me at the given address.
