This is a blog dedicated to information I have gathered and learnt surrounding the module "Understanding the Customer".

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

Yes and that is it lovley, lovely readers. Our special relationship of teaching, learning, blogging and reading has run its course and come to its end. We've had some good times..."Marketing to Children" and "Groups", we've also had some bad..."Generational Marketing" and "Enterprise Week" but despite the late nights, Facebook slating and general reluctance to blog as I go; I must say overall it has been an enjoyable experience.

I've learnt that if you're writting about topics you can really get passionate about then it writes itself! It's the topics that you find had to be enthusiastic about that demand the time that is hard to give. For that reason, to anyone who has just started bloggingin their 1st year...just listen to Ruth and do the bloody blogs. The last week or so has been the most stressful and tiring one yet all due to me taking an instant dislike to blogs. They're not so bad. I might even start a new one for next year just to log things I've learnt. - Yes you were right Ruth, I can see the huge grin on your face...stop it.

The benefits are that the posts have forced me to carry the learning on and not just leave the information in the seminar room, learn the basics, reading the chapters, having a deeper understanding of the subject and applying the theory to examples of pictures, videos and scenarios.

Well enough now, Im packing up, Im logging off and Im taking Solomon with me.

Cheerio oh, fairwell, ta ta for now, so long, god speed, adios, arrivaderche, peace out, this is the final curtain, goodbye!

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